I don’t think I knew the answer to this question only few years ago.

I struggled with many things. Feeling not good enough. Felling scared to make changes that were needing to take place in my life. Fearing failure and putting myself out there. Fearing what will people think and say. Having that deep need to please people, and unable to say NO. Not being self-disciplined, but wanting to be. Living life by default, just winging it day by day, and never feeling truly at ease and joyous, present in the moment, Not having good work- life balance and really feeling so guilty about it (just like every other mum out there).

I have tried to seek professional help when my life started crumbling around me, but the traditional counselling didn’t work for me at the time.
So I got to work by myself. And it was a long and a painful journey as I didn’t really truly understand myself, I didn’t know what my limiting beliefs were, and what my triggers were. I didn’t know there is a process. I spent years reading the right books and listening to videos and podcasts of people who have gone through pain and came through on the other end.

It all made sense to me, but I still felt unable to apply their advice it to my own life. I tried but failed many times, and blamed myself for it. Oh, boy was I good at being harsh on myself. I was such a pro.

Only when I truly hit the rock bottom and developed an auto immune disease, I decided that in order for something to change I have to change

I started doing a morning routine, which opened up a path to a new me. I had sessions with NLP life coach, ETF Counsellor, your regular counselling, and they were all hugely benefiting to me. I joined an online programme with a life coach (Tamara Baroš)and joined an amazing community of 44 like-minded women. All of a sudden I had a tribe.

My healing journey started.

My journey back to myself.

After trying different forms of coaching and different coaches, I have done many hours of sessions with my life coach, so much so that she has now become my mentor. She worked with me on healing inner child, on identifying and removing my limiting beliefs. How to be present, how to create goals, how to develop self-discipline. And much more.

It is very important who you choose to be your coach, it has to be the right fit. Don’t be afraid to try few different coaches to get the one that is right for you.

After therapy my life transformed beyond recognition. I changed everything in my life that was making me unhappy, as I finally had the courage to do that. I changed my job, my town, my career, and left a really unhealthy relationship behind.
I discovered what my true passion was, and that is to be a life coach, to serve people. To help people who feel stuck and in pain and unable to break through, just like I was.

I want to tell everyone, this is what I have figured out and it took me a very long time to do it

Now I can teach you an easier way.
