Work With Me

Work With Me

...because you deserve more!

Are you facing some challenges? Great! Let’s turn them into opportunities!
You don’t want to miss out on your life anymore, waiting for something to change?

Daniela Rolih Life Coach
You want to work on yourself, grow and live your purpose. On the other hand, you are exhausted and over-committed, and you don’t know how to keep everything in balance. I understand, and I know exactly how you feel.

TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE with a little help!

I am here to help you, remind you of how powerful you are, and show you how to make your dreams come true.

Been there, done that. I changed everything, turned my life upside down. The result? I can tell I’ve never been this happy before. Now I empower other women and help them do the same. Are you ready?

Here are ways I can help you:

A Fresh Approach To Health & Life

1:1 Coaching

What You Get..

I will assist you wherever you are at in process, following YOUR lead and reflecting back to you, so that you may see where your opportunities for growth are.

Accountability Coaching

Perfect for you if..

…you’re getting frustrated with your progress on achieving your goals. I can help you stay focused to achieve them!

Group Coaching

Get all of the benefits

in an intimate conversation space, focused on goal setting, deepening awareness around key issues, taking action, and accountability. Join us today!

13 Things You'll Get From Working With Me

You Want To Change Your Life
  • Better self-understanding and finding your purpose and mission in life
  • New beliefs and mindset that serves you better
  • High self-confidence and trust in your ability to be your own boss
  • Healthy boundaries
  • More consciousness and mindfulness
  • Skills needed to be a CEO of your life and business
  • Better time management and higher productivity in all the life fields
  • Courage to make significant steps following your dreams
  • More energy and motivation, joy and ease
  • More enjoyment in work, parenting, and life in general
  • Fresh ideas and a clear plan for creating your online business
  • Support of like minded women